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One of the things I really enjoy is having the opportunity to speak to people about the topics I care about. I am thrilled to get the chance to speak to small groups, communities, or companies about things that matter. This means that I primarily speak or consult within two areas: "Design Thinking and Design Practice" and "Interfaces, interaction and interactivity".

If you are interested in knowing more, email me at



Interfaces, interaction, and interactivity:
how interactivity is changing us and our world

I present ways of thinking about the explosive growth of interactivity in our lives, communities, and businesses. I present ways to deal with new forms of interactivity and what it means as new challenges and opportunities.

Design Thinking and Design Practice:
intentional change in an unpredictable world

I present a fundamental understanding of design that radically changes how groups and companies get things done and how they in a designerly way can innovate and change and develop stability in a rapidly changing environment.

This work is mostly based on my studies and research on design that I have been engaged with since the early 1980s. This work has led to the book "The Design Way -- intentional change in an unpredictable world" but also too many articles and papers (see list of publications).

Since I started to study design, Design Thinking has become highly recognized and is now part of the strategic thinking of many organizations. However, in many cases, the understanding of design is based on some simplistic version that does not lead to expected results. In my talks and workshops, I present a deeper understanding of design that truly leads to innovative and creative strategic design thinking and doing while not being more complex or difficult to understand.

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